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12505 AL6210020776 045 08-01-2024 CORR CJM PFAS PA-SI Offsite Sampling Addendum
' r r r , r PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT/ SITE INSPECTION ADDENDUM OFF- POST PRIVATE WELL INVESTIGATION OF PER- AND POLYFLOUROALKYL SUBSTANCES Fort Rucker, Alabama (Subsequently renamed Fort Novosel) Contract No.: W912DR-18-D-0004 Delivery Order No.:W912DR18FO685 Prepared For: U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District 2 Hopkins Plaza Baltimore, Maryland 21201 November 2023 CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary ............................................................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................2 2 Sampling Plan ................................................................................................................................... 3 3 Detections and Exceedances ........................................................................................................... 3 4 Data Validation .................................................................................................................................. 3 5 Subsequent Actions ..........................................................................................................................4 6 Summary 4 7 References ........................................................................................................................................4 Table Table 1 Off-Post PFOS and PFOA Analytical Results Figures Figure 1 AOPI Locations Figure 2 Off-Post Evaluation Area Attachments Attachment 1 Validated Analytical Data Table Attachment 2 Data Usability Summary Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The United States Army(Army) is performing Preliminary Assessments (PAs)and Site Inspections (Sls)to evaluate the current or potential historical use of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)at Army installations nationwide. These efforts were completed in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, and Army/Department of Defense policy and guidance. The SI sampling at Fort Rucker, Alabama, detected concentrations of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)and/or perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in groundwater on-post, where an evaluation of local groundwater flow identified possible impacts to off-post drinking water wells. To evaluate possible PFOS/PFOA impacts to off-post drinking water sources, the Army conducted off-post sampling at private drinking water wells that appeared to be hydrologically connected to groundwater beneath Fort Rucker. Seventeen If 7) private drinking water wells were sampled. No locations had PFOS/PFOA concentrations exceeding the 2016 United States Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) Lifetime Health Advisory of 70 parts per trillion individually or combined. The Army has initiated a Remedial Investigation at Fort Rucker to further delineate the nature and extent of the PFAS releases on-post and to evaluate whether there is a risk posed to human health from the releases. 1 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Preliminary Assessment (PA)/Site Inspection (SI)Addendum is to document analytical results and findings in response to the separate investigation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in off-post drinking water potentially associated with past United States Army(Army) operations at Fort Rucker, Alabama. This addendum, while documenting the separate off-post investigation, serves to supplement the PA/SI report prepared by Arcadia U.S., Inc. (Arcadia; Arcadia 2022). The Army conducted a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act(CERCLA)PA/SI to assess potential impacts from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at Fort Rucker. Thirty-eight(38) areas of potential interest(AOPIs)were identified at 28 operational locations during the PA/SI (Figure 1). The AOPIs are located at the main post and at numerous non-contiguous stage fields. PFOS and PFOA are two chemicals included in the larger class of PFAS. Concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in groundwater on-post at or downgradient of AOPIs identified at Fort Rucker exceeded the 70 parts per trillion (ppt)2016 United State Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA) Lifetime Health Advisory for drinking water. Due to the exceedances for PFOS and PFOA in groundwater at or downgradient of the AOPIs, the close proximity of the AOPls to the installation boundary, and the potential for groundwater emanating from these AOPIs to affect downgradient off-post receptors, the Army identified the need for this off-post private well sampling. Groundwater originating at the AOPIs Flows off-post. To identify potable wells downgradient of the installation boundary near the AOPIs, an off-post well survey was completed for off-post drinking water wells using available information. Wells were identified for possible sampling as part of this effort based on the understanding of the relationship between on- and off-post hydrogeological conditions. To corroborate where potential wells may be located in the evaluation area, parcel data were reviewed in conjunction with Zillow real estate data, satellite imagery, ArcGIS data for water utility lines, State of Alabama well records, installation records, and an Environmental Data Resources DataMapTM Well Search Report. Fort Rucker personnel then sent questionnaires to parcel owners about any wells on the premises and asked for access permission to sample their drinking water wells. Based on the initial response, Fort Rucker personnel resent questionnaires to nonrespondents. After review of the questionnaires and permission slips, off-post drinking water wells were sampled in the downgradient areas shown on Figure 2. The off-post drinking water sampling took place in October 2021. A total of 17 primary off-post samples were collected with associated quality control samples as part of the off-post receptor evaluation. Locations of the individual wells sampled are not shown in this report to protect the privacy of the residential homeowners. 2 2 SAMPLING PLAN Drinking water samples were collected during one field mobilization in accordance with Army and USEPA guidance for PFAS in potable water. A total of 17 parent samples were collected (from 15 locations, one of which had three wells onsite)from locations in the area shown on Figure 2. Quality assurance/quality control samples included two duplicates, two matrix spikes/matrix spike duplicates, and three field reagent blanks. Unlined, high-density polyethylene bottles were used to sample unfiltered (if possible)outdoor spigots, wells, or hose bibs. Water was purged from the sampling collection point for approximately 3 minutes before collecting the samples. Purged water was discharged to the ground surface near the point of collection. New nitrile gloves were used for each individual sample collection. Once collected, the samples were properly labeled, placed in sealed Ziploc® bags, and preserved on ice to maintain a temperature between 0 and 4 degrees Celsius. Pace Analytical Services laboratory in West Columbia, South Carolina, analyzed the samples collected during the off-post field sampling event. Pace Analytical Services holds a Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program certification. PFAS analyses were conducted in accordance with USEPA drinking water Method 537.1. 3 DETECTIONS AND EXCEEDANCES Of the 17 primary drinking water samples collected, no samples had detections of PFOS or PFOA. All sampling results were provided to their respective well owners. Table 1 provides a summary of the PFOS and PFOA analytical results for all samples collected. The full PFAS analytical results for samples collected during the off-post assessment are included in Attachment 1. 4 DATA VALIDATION Each laboratory data package/sample delivery group underwent 100% review of Stage 3 data packages and 10% review of the raw Stage 4 data packages for validation in accordance with DoD Quality Systems Manual 5.3 (DoD and Department of Energy 2019). The results for drinking water samples collected were found to be acceptable and usable for evaluation against the screening criteria for PFOS and PFOA with the laboratory and validation qualifications documented in the data usability summary report (Attachment 2); no results were rejected. Qualifiers for data are shown in Table 1 and Attachment 1 and are defined in the notes of the tables. 3 5 SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS The Army has initiated a CERCIA Remedial Investigation at Fort Rucker to further delineate the nature and extent of the PFAS releases identified on-post and to evaluate any potential risk posed to human health from the releases. 6 SUMMARY Off-post sampling of residential drinking water wells downgradient of Fort Rucker occurred in October 2021. During the sampling event, 17 parent samples and applicable quality assurance/quality control samples were collected, analyzed and validated in accordance with Army and USEPA guidance for PFAS in potable water. None of the samples collected had detectable concentrations of PFOS and/or PFOA. The Army has initiated a Remedial Investigation at Fort Rucker to further delineate the nature and extent of the PFAS releases identified on post and to evaluate any potential risk posed to human health from the releases. 7 REFERENCES Arcadis U.S., Inc(Arcadis). 2022. Final Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, Fort Rucker, Alabama. November. Department of Defense(DoD)and Department of Energy. 2019. Consolidated Quality Systems Manual for Environmental Laboratories, Version 5.3. May. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2016. Lifetime Health Advisories and Health Effects Support Documents for Perfluorooctanoic Acid and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate. EPA-HQ- OW-2014-0138; FRL-9946-91-OW. Federal Register/ Vol. 81. No. 101. 25 May. 4 TABLE Table 1 -Off-Post PFOS and PFOA Analytical Data Results g5.�, s. Fort Rucker, Alabama USAEC PFAS Preliminary Assesssment/Site Inspection Addendum IAARCADIS a joint venture FTR-OFFP-01 FTR-OFFP-0I-DW-101921 10/19/2021 N 2.1 U 2.1 U FTR-OFFP-02 FTR-OFFP-02-DW-101921 10/19/2021 N 2.1 U 2.1 U FTR-OFFP-DUP-02-101921 10/19/2021 FD 2.1 U 2.1 U FTR-OFFP-03 FTR-OFFP-03-DW-102021 10/20/2021 N 2.1 U 2.1 U FTR-OFFP-06 FTR-OFFP-06-DW-101921 10/19/2021 N 2.0 U 2.0 U FTR-OFFP-10A FTR-OFFP-10A-DW-102021 10/20/2021 N 2.2 U 2.2 U FTR-OFFP-10B FTR-OFFP-1 OB-DW-1 02021 10/20/2021 N 2.0 U 2.0 U FTR-OFFP-10C FTR-OFFP-1 0C-DW-1 02021 10/20/2021 N 2.4 U 2.4 U FTR-OFFP-11 FTR-OFFP-1I-DW-102021 10/20/2021 N 2.2 U 2.2 U FTR-OFFP-12 FTR-OFFP-1 2-DW-1 01821 10/18/2021 N 2.0 U 2.0 U FTR-OFFP-13 FTR-OFFP-1 3-DW-1 01921 10/19/2021 N 2.1 U 2.1 U FTR-OFFP-14 FTR-OFFP-1 4-DW-1 01921 10/19/2021 N 2.1 U 2.1 U FTR-OFFP-16 FTR-OFFP-1 6-DW-1 01921 10/19/2021 N 2.1 U 2.1 U FTR-OFFP-17 FTR-OFFP-1 7-DW-1 01921 10/19/2021 N 2.1 U 2.1 U FTR-OFFP-18 FTR-OFFP-1 8-DW-1 01921 10/19/2021 N 2.2 U 2.2 U FTR-OFFP-19 FTR-OFFP-1 9-DW-1 01921 10/19/2021 N 2.2 UJ 2.2 UJ FTR-OFFP-20 FTR-OFFP-20-DW-101821 10/18/2021 N 2.2 U 2.2 U FTR-OFFP-DUP-01-101821 10/18/2021 FD 2.0 U 2.0 U FTR-OFFP-23 FTR-OFFP-23-DW-101921 10/19/2021 N 2.1 U 2.1 U Acronyms/Abbreviations: FD=field duplicate sample FTR= Fort Rucker, Alabama ID= identification N = primary sample ng/L= nanograms per liter(parts per trillion) OFFP = off-post PFOA= Perfluorooctanoic Acid PFOS = Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Qualifiers(Qual): U = The analyte was analyzed for but the result was not detected above the limit of quantitation. UJ = The analyte was analyzed for but was not detected. The reported limit of quantitation is approximate and may be inaccurate or imprecise. FIGURES N `t J„nr. Mm Barbour .� Dale CO Bee h 1=9L 4 ` ='Mew6 vn M�w UX IwMe B+Xn Hill Geneva �jYe�' _ r t n + a I - �~ g SERES p, ARCADIS i I am �d.xX,<"YY ✓`+ > .Nome. i - - y pee vl� ntll rf� - - ------- - a qun USAEC PFAS - - --- -- ------------ Preliminary Assessment / .oe^YBW 110 -. B" '" Site Inspection Addendum, I mbYrvY n.n r . r i Fort Rucker AL Figure 1 - AOPI Locations © © h r , Legend Main Post -r Outlying Range A AOPI Location Ru4M Mann i X+ i mdClu Enlw 1 .rn • . � `� WrvuM ne°4 h 4 � nw stow cwn= cM wa =Y.4ar UnAll j I wm.ar 9 e bllwoC p'= Tin, i aDn Y' q o smswr ..d �'nMn�n � o- _ Irl� XX.Sno _ Dafa Sources: Fort Rucker, CIS Data, 2019 ,p•+�' �`o Wd ESRI AroGIS Online, SlreeI Data 0 5 10 ` 1 a ••y= wmm�on .I Coordinate System: Miles AOPI=area of potential interest WGS 1984, UTM Zone 16 North s N • 3 Barbour >•^•� Dale r coffee °> 6iE .n a....,... .,. gSERES Figure 2C Extent, BII ex � ARCADIS �•�� o t v 1� n t l l r t��t , o USAEC PFAS ---------------'- ------ --� - -- --- -- -- Preliminary Assessment / a,r,n Site Inspection Addendum, _.,^,., Fort Rucker AL s Figure 2 Fl wrw Off-Post Evaluation Areas i a. I Legend i `r54 N-11, Main Post ® Outlying Range - .ro - nunr m AOPI Location «� Off-Post Evaluation Areas r It . 1Anw crnvn xer 'S5, n �� - p t _ ° Ninnm > t 4 � u oer S far- -----------___ __ ____ _____i--------..------ ---- __- caw B.I Pt s J dx _ nmw Figure 2B Extent [ Figure 2A Exten[ a.niun Data Sources: 5. • Fort Rucker, CIS Data, 2019 ESRI AroGIS Online, Slreetil Data Coordinate System: Miles j ..a.. AOPI=area of potential interest WGS 1984, 11TM Zone 16 North 0 Barbour Dale Coffee Geneva gSERES M e.o«a ARCADIS C1 a joint venture i USAEC PFAS ® Preliminary Assessment / Site Inspection Addendum, Fort Rucker AL •. Figure 2A y° Off-Post Evaluation Areas Legend Main Post Outlying Range ♦ AOPI Location nam awi ram• •'= Off-Post Evaluation Areas wm� �r ads I°I tee» Data Sources: ® Fort Rucker, CIS Data, 2019 ESRI ArroGIS Online, Slreetil Data 0 5 10 �� Coordinate System .yp Miles AOPI=area of potential WGS 1984, UTM Zone 16 North interest �h f� N Barbour Dale i COBer Geneva Q I I I I g SERES I "ARCADIS WJ a joint venture USAEC PFAS ay ,EI Preliminary Assessment / ♦ a Site Inspection Addendum, ♦ Fwl Pucka Nod. x '-e\<, ♦ V Fort Rucker AL - uC%• IJInECIryKIHP• N9NrFild �•,°< Figure 213 amaera — w,,,o^ - Off-Post Evaluation Areas �d Galwllle GlYrrx 1 - -L f Legend a ® Main Post Outlying Range ♦ AOPI Location Off-Post Evaluation Areas Y Flwrr.Ge°e O p°a°pue (P e E6ame8r e Qi (A o _ e A --r. _____ - � THlor Data Sources: �; od^"" - •••eiA1Ne' rw.a Fort Rucker, GIS Data,2019 i ESRI ArcGIS Online,StreetMap Data o s to Coordinate System: Miles v AOPI=area of potential interest WGS 1984, UTM Zone 16 North I N Barbour Dale Coffee Geneva �. gSERES ARCADIS %� joint vrnturc USAEC PFAS Preliminary Assessment / Site Inspection Addendum, Fort Rucker AL is."" Figure 2C Off-Post Evaluation Area Legend ® Outlying Range ♦ AOPI Location a�a�..v vu �,30, Lox:.vlil. ® Off-Post Evaluation Area 130 � 41 N1J'��00 ice` Data Sources: Fort Rucker, CIS Data, 2019 ESRI ArroGIS Online, Slreei Data 0 5 10 Coordinate System: Miles AOPI=area of potential interest WGS 1984, 1 Zone 16 North ATTACHMENT Validated Analytical Data Tables Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table RFS Fort Rucker, Alabama f7 SE RES 0•USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n C4 IS ajoint venture Sample/Parent ID PFAS 11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecan 763051-92-9 ng/L 2.1 U 721TU 2.1 U 2.1 U 1-sulfonic acid (F-53B Minor) 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2- (heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid 13252-13-6 ng/L 8.2 U 8.4 U 8.4 U 8.5 U (HFPO-DA) 4,8-Dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid 919005-14-4 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U (DONA) 9-Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanonane 756426-58-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 1-sulfonic acid (9CL-PF3ONS) N-Ethyl perfluorooctane 2991-50-6 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (EIFOSAA) N-Methylperfluoroocatane 2355-31-9 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (MeFOSAA) Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid(PFBS) 375-73-5 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 335-76-2 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) 307-55-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) 375-85-9 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid 355-46-4 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 7.0 (PFHxS) Perfluorohexanoic acid(PFHxA) 307-24-4 1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table RFS Fort Rucker, Alabama f7 SE RES 0.USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n C4 IS ajoint venture Sample/Parent ID ©©�© Perfluomnonanoic acid (PFNA) 375-95-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid(PFOS) 1763-23-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluomoctanoic acid(PFOA) 335-67-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorotelradecanoic acid 376-06-7 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U (PFTeDA) Pertluomtddecanoic acid (PFTrDA) 72629-94-8 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Pertluomundecanoic acid (PFUdA) 2058-94-8 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table RFS Fort Rucker, Alabama •7 SE RES 0•USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n C4 IS ajoint venture Sample/Parent ID mmmm r . i i i M.M. Analyte CAS Units Result Qual Result Qu, PFAS 11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecan 763051-92-9 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U U 2.4 U 1-sulfonic acid (F-53B Minor) 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2- (heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid 13252-13-6 ng/L 8.1 U 8.8 U 8.2 U 9.5 U (HFPO-DA) 4,8-Dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid 919005-14-4 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U (DONA) 9-Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanonane 756426-58-1 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U 1-sulfonic acid (9CL-PF3ONS) N-Ethyl perfluorooctane 2991-50-6 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (EIFOSAA) N-Methylperfluoroocatane 2355-31-9 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (MeFOSAA) Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid(PFBS) 375-73-5 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 335-76-2 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) 307-55-1 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) 375-85-9 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid 355-46-4 ng/L 2.0 U 5.7 2.0 U 2.4 U (PFHxS) Perfluorohexanoic acid(PFHxA) 307-24-4 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table RFS Fort Rucker, Alabama •7 SE RES 0•USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n C4 IS , joint venture Sample/Parent ID MMMM r . i i i i i i i i i i i ©©©© Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 375-95-1 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid(PFOS) 1763-23-1 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA) 335-67-1 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Perfluorotelradecanoic acid 376-06-7 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U (PFTeDA) Pertluorotddecanoic acid (PFTrDA) 72629-94-8 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Pertluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA) 2058-94-8 ng/L 2.0 U 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.4 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table RFS Fort Rucker, Alabama f7 SE RES A•USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n C4 S ajoint venture r • i i r • ' r - • 1 r - • ' r PFAS 11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecan 72OT(U763051-92-9 nglL 2.2 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 1-sulfonic acid (F-53B Minor) 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2- (heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid 13252-13-6 ng/L 8.7 U 8.1 U 8.4 U 8.2 U (HFPO-DA) 4,8-Dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid 919005-14-4 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U (DONA) 9-Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanonane 756426-58-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U 1-sulfonic acid (9CL-PF3ONS) N-Ethyl perfluorooctane 2991-50-6 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (EIFOSAA) N-Methylperfluoroocatane 2355-31-9 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (MeFOSAA) Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid(PFBS) 375-73-5 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 335-76-2 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) 307-55-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) 375-85-9 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid 355-46-4 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U (PFHxS) Perfluorohexanoic acid(PFHxA) 307-24-4 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table RFS Fort Rucker, Alabama f7 SE RES A.USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n C4 S ajoint venture Sample/Parent ID MMMM r . ©©©© Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 375-95-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid(PFOS) 1763-23-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA) 335-67-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Perfluorotelradecanoic acid 376-06-7 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U (PFTeDA) Pertluorotddecanoic acid (PFTrDA) 72629-94-8 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Pertluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA) 2058-94-8 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.1 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table RFS Fort Rucker, Alabama f7 SE RES USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum 64 nbC4l IS a j/oi o tv a nitu re r - • 1 r - • ' r - • 1 r - • ' r Analyte CAS Units Result Qual Result Qu, PFAS 11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecan 763051-92-9 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U U 2.2 UJ 1-sulfonic acid (F-53B Minor) 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2- (heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid 13252-13-6 ng/L 8.4 U 8.5 U 8.8 U 8.7 UJ (HFPO-DA) 4,8-Dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid 919005-14-4 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ (DONA) 9-Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanonane 756426-58-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ 1-sulfonic acid (9CL-PF3ONS) N-Ethyl perfluorooctane 2991-50-6 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ sulfonamidoacetic acid (EIFOSAA) N-Methylperfluoroocatane 2355-31-9 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ sulfonamidoacetic acid (MeFOSAA) Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid(PFBS) 375-73-5 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 4.6 J Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 335-76-2 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) 307-55-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) 375-85-9 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid 355-46-4 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 3.3 J (PFHxS) Perfluorohexanoic acid(PFHxA) 307-24-4 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.3 J Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table RFS Fort Rucker, Alabama f7 SE RES USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum 6. nbC4l IS a j/oi o tv a nitu re r - 1 r - • ' r - 1 r - • ' r ©©©© Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 375-95-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid(PFOS) 1763-23-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ Perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA) 335-67-1 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ Perfluorotelradecanoic acid 376-06-7 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ (PFTeDA) Pertluorotddecanoic acid (PFTrDA) 72629-94-8 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ Pertluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA) 2058-94-8 ng/L 2.1 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 2.2 UJ Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table SERFS Fort Rucker, Alabama S RES p 4l USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n nC IS a j o i n tv a nitu re r - • i r i • - r• ' 'm ® 1 r i 00�- Analyte CAS Units Result Qual Result Quall Result Qua! Result Quj6 PFAS 11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecan 763051-92-9 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 1-sulfonic acid (F-53B Minor) 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2- (heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid 13252-13-6 ng/L 8.9 U 8.0 U 8.2 U 8.7 U (HFPO-DA) 4,8-Dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid 919005-14-4 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U (DONA) 9-Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanonane 756426-58-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U 1-sulfonic acid (9CL-PF3ONS) N-Ethyl perfluorooctane 2991-50-6 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (EIFOSAA) N-Methylperfluoroocatane 2355-31-9 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (MeFOSAA) Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid(PFBS) 375-73-5 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 335-76-2 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) 307-55-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) 375-85-9 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid 355-46-4 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U (PFHxS) Perfluorohexanoic acid(PFHxA) 307-24-4 1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table SERFS Fort Rucker, Alabama S RES p 4l USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n nC IS a j o i n tv a nitu re r - • i r i • - r• ' 'M ® 1 r i Mfflr . i i i i i i i : i Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 375-95-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid(PFOS) 1763-23-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA) 335-67-1 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Perfluorotelradecanoic acid 376-06-7 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U (PFTeDA) Pertluorotddecanoic acid (PFTrDA) 72629-94-8 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Pertluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA) 1 2058-94-8 ng/L 2.2 U 2.0 U 2.1 U 2.2 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table SERFS Fort Rucker, Alabama S RES p•USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum n ZC4 IS a joint venture r Analyte CAS Units I Result Qual Result • . PFAS 11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecan 763051-92-9 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U 1-sulfonic acid (F-53B Minor) 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2- (heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid 13252-13-6 ng/L 7.7 U 8.6 U (HFPO-DA) 4,8-Dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid 919005-14-4 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U (DONA) 9-Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanonane 756426-58-1 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U 1-sulfonic acid (9CL-PF3ONS) N-Ethyl perfluorooctane 2991-50-6 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (EIFOSAA) N-Methylperfluoroocatane 2355-31-9 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U sulfonamidoacetic acid (MeFOSAA) Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid(PFBS) 375-73-5 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 335-76-2 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) 307-55-1 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) 375-85-9 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid 355-46-4 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U (PFHxS) Perfluorohexanoic acid(PFHxA) 307-24-4 1 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table SERFS Fort Rucker, Alabama S RES � n USACE PFAS Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Addendum nC4 IS a joint venture r Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 375-95-1 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid(PFOS) 1763-23-1 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA) 335-67-1 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Perfluorotelradecanoic acid 376-06-7 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U (PFTeDA) Pertluorotddecanoic acid (PFTrDA) 72629-94-8 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Pertluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA) 2058-94-8 ng/L 1.9 U 2.1 U Attachment 1 -Validated Analytical Data Table Fort Rucker, Alabama !i 'SEIZES ^• USACE PFAS Preliminary AssessmentlSite Inspection Addendum ARC ADDS a joint venture Notes: 1. Bolded values indicate the result was detected greater than the limit of detection. Acronyms/Abbreviations: CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service number FD = field duplicate sample FRB = field reagent blank FTR= Fort Rucker, Alabama ID = identification N = primary sample N/A= not applicable ng/L= nanogram per liter OFFP=off-post PFAS = per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances Qualifier Description J =The analyte was positively identified; however the associated numerical value is an estimated concentration only U =The analyte was analyzed for but the result was not detected above the limit of quantification (LOO) UJ =The compound or analyte was reported as not detected by the laboratory; however, the reported quantitation/detection limit is estimated due to non-conformances discovered during data validation. ATTACHMENT2 Data Usability Summary Report (Internal Document)