HomeMy WebLinkAbout18156 UST230305 051 07-31-2024 PLAN11129 JLR MW ABANDONMENT PLAN (CP06) 39437.51 CONSJITAnTS July 31, 2024 Mr. James Robinson, P.G., Hydrogeologist Alabama Department of Environmental Management UST Corrective Action State Fund Section—Groundwater Branch 1400 Coliseum Boulevard Montgomery, Alabama 36110 Re: Monitoring Well Abandonment Plan (Cost Proposal No. 6) Circle K Store No. 2709068 1167 Alabama Highway 14 Millbrook,Alabama Facility ID No. 23413-051-018770 Incident No.UST23-03-05 PPM Project No.434912-MWA Dear Mr. Robinson: On behalf of Circle K Stores,Inc.,PPM Consultants,Inc. (PPM)has prepared this workplan and the associated Cost Proposal No. 6 (submitted separately) for monitoring well abandonment at the referenced site. The workplan and cost proposal are submitted in response to Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) correspondence dated July 26,2024, in response to PPM's recommendations. PPM understands that ADEM will issue a site status of"No Further Action"for Incident Number UST23-03-05 once these activities are complete. 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK Following is the scope of work to be completed. • Measure depth to water and total well depth at each monitoring well location prior to abandonment. • Over drill and abandon five Type II, 2-inch inside diameter (I.D.) monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-5), using 4.25-inch I.D. hollow stem augers, at the locations shown on Figure 1, Site Map, Attachment A. Once the well materials have been ppmoccom•205.83G.5650 •55556ankhead Highway.Birmingham.Alabama 35210 Mr.James Robinson,P.G. July 31,2024 Page 2 removed from the borings, the boring annulus will be grouted to the surface and the surface patched with like material. The total well footage is approximately 157 feet. • Walker-Hill Environmental (WHE) will transport the waste material to the North Montgomery landfill for disposal under Solid Waste Profile No. 166310,that expires June 30, 2025. • A well abandonment report will be submitted to ADEM. The report will include site restoration photographs, depths to water, total well depths, and any other pertinent information regarding the abandonment of the wells. The cost for completing the scope of work is eligible for reimbursement from the Alabama Tank Trust Fund (ATTF). Cost Proposal No. 6 has been submitted separately. WHE provided a quote for hauling drill cuttings and debris generated during the abandonment activities. This will prevent the rental of a roll off or a required return trip to load and haul the soil from a stockpile at a later date. The subcontractor quote is included in Subcontractor Quote, Attachment B. Solid Waste Profile No. 166310 was approved by ADEM on June 8, 2023. A copy of the certification is provided as Waste Certification, Attachment C. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (205) 909- 1451. Sincerely, PPM Consultants, Inc. Matthew J. Ebbert,P.G. Sr. Geologist Attachment A—Figure Attachment B—Subcontractor Quote Attachment C—Waste Certification c: Mr. Scott Janashak, Circle K Stores, Inc. ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A- FIGURE N 0000 / I SCALE., (APPTRYimB[¢) APPROXIMATE PROPERTY / �V� BOUNDARY� CATCH BASIN WOODED AREA W �X� iW / W / W DUMPSTERS CATCH y .O BASIN / / CATCH I}II BASIN Y 3 55 6 33 GG ss 1 y GREASE W RAP SBdI MWdR 3 y STORE A G n SB3l y w I MW3R DEF TANK CATCH W W µ 'o BASIN B6dl MW.S CANOPY N BAS H ; I y DISPENSER P,1 RTP.15) 1 1 I Il r CANOP Y TELEPHONE PEDESTAL U MAW ztzzzzz —Ui UT —UT —IT — ITT PVT UT —VT —VT y T —UT_ VIT —UT IT UT —UT —UT � UT TELEPHONE UT SBy UT UT —Vi VT U�V= Ui —Vi UT PEDESTAL m MINA r� FIRE _ _ _ _ .1 _ _ _ y � W HYDRANT y W SANITARY SEWER O FIRE MANHOLE LE OF UE VE VE VE VE UE —HYORAM G—G—G—G W G—GG— y WATER LJ G—G G—G VALVE WSW W� W � y W W y W CATCH W W W W W—W— W y LEGEND:BO ITT VT —UT BASIN 1- y W uT UT —UT UT ITT UT SOIL RING I MONITORING W WELL LOCATION P OVERHEAD POWER LINE —LE — UNDERGROUND POWER LINE UT UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE 14 W WATERLINE _ G NATURAL GAS LINE FENCE—55 NRARY SEWER LINE % FENCE CATCH t POWER POLE BASIN LIGHT POLE NSULTA T FIGURE ���� P IN CIRCLE K STORES INC. NUMBER DRAWN BY DRAWN DATE: FORMER CIRCLE K STORE AO.2709068 SITE MAP BWH 06/28/24 1167 HIGHWAY 14 n —R ELT DUMBER: PHASE MILLBROOK,AIABAMA L 434912 GWM03 ATTACHMENT B - SUBCONTRACTOR QUOTE Cost Proposal Date Proposal# 7/29/2024 19087 PO Box 1147 Foxworth,MS 39483 Name/Address Re: PPM CONSULTANTS,INC. Environmental Services 5555 BANKHEAD HIGHWAY Circle K 2709068 BIRMINGHAM,AL 35210 Millbrook,AL Description Unit Dry Rate Total Mobilize/Demobilize lump sum 1 300.00 300.00T Mileage per mile 146 8.04 1,173.84T Plug&Abandon by overdrilling(5)2"PVC monitor per ft. 156.5 35.00 5,477.50T wells Pad removal per each 5 115.00 575.00T Per-Diem per day 6 85.00 510.00T 55 Gallon Dram per each 0 95.00 O.00T Transportation of IDW to North Montgomery Landfill lump sum 1 450.00 450.00T Customer Acceptance of Cost Proposal Subtotal $8,486.34 Authorized Signature Date Tax (0.0%) $0.00 *Payment Terms NTE 30 days upon project completion. •1.5%Interest will be charged monthly to all overdue invoices. Total l $8,486.34 Walker-Hill Environmental, Inc Foxworth,MS Office Phone: (601) 736-3500 Email: eric@whenv.com ATTACHMENT C - WASTE CERTIFICATION LANCE R.LEFLEUR A©E M Kay Ivey RECTOR DI GOVERNOR Alabama Department of Environmental Management ademalabamagov 1400 Coliseum Blvd.36110.2400 • Post Office Box 301463 Montgomery,Alabama 36130-1463 (334)271.7700 in FAX(334)271-7950 434912-PI MJE-ECOPY ME-ORIGINAL 6/8/2023 Delivered Via Email to Matt Ebbert RE: Waste Certification Gasoline-and diesel4mpacted materials from a UST facility The Alabama Department of Environmental Management has reviewed your waste certification received on 6/7/2023 and has assigned a Certification Number for this waste as shown below. Waste Profile#: 166310 Circle K Store#2709068 Certification #: SW-063025-0027 1167 Hwy 14 Expiration Date of Certification: 6/30/2025 Millbrook,AL In your certification you requested one or more landfills be approved to receive your waste. Based on our review of the waste and the landfills requested, the waste is approved for disposal in the following landfills: Stones Throw Landfill 62-11 Timberlands Landfill 27-08 North Montgomery MSWLF 51-01 You should provide this approval letter to the landfill(s) listed above and contact the landfill to determine any special handling requirements for this waste prior to delivery to the landfill. According to ADEM regulations, the landfill may not receive this waste unless it has received a waste certification approval. For waste generated on a routine basis (not a one-time occurrence), another written certification for this waste stream should be submitted to ADEM prior to the expiration dale listed above or at any time the process producing the waste changes. Each submittal should include a completed Solid Waste Profile Sheet, any supporting documentation including current analytical, and the appropriate fee. Current analytical consists of analysis performed within the past six months. If at any time before the expiration date of this certification,new analysis of the waste is performed, the new results will supersede any prior analysis from the time the samples are taken. If the new analysis indicates the waste is still non-hazardous, the waste may continue to be disposed of at the landfill listed above until the expiration date of this certification. If the new analysis indicates the waste is hazardous, this certification is revoked. Each time new analysis is performed on the waste, copies of the analytical results should be provided to ADEM and the landfill until this certification expires. The generator should not dispose of the waste prior to the receipt and review of the sampling results. Furthermore, this approval letter does not exempt Circle K Store#2709068 from complying with all applicable requirements of the ADEM Administrative Code. If you have any questions concerning this approval or the approval process, please contact Ms. Cola Obenauf at 334-271-7824, Sincerely, Q. w Brent A.Watson, Chief Compliance and Enforcement Section Land Division BAW/cjo elrminghom&Anch Decatur&ancM1 Moblle0oartal ISO Wkan aoatl 27I5 Santllln Roatl,S.W. 22o4 PMmew Roao 3664 DaupMn Smet.SUIma elnningM1am.AL 352091 Decatur,AL 356031333 f Mobil S683S1131 MONIe.AL 36608 (205)9426168 (266)353-170 (251)450,3400 (251)30411t6 (205)9411603(FAx) (256)34 9359(FAX) �rr' (251)/]92593(FAX) (253)304tt89(FAX)